Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lab Report Info

Lab Report Procedure 6. 1: Perform Benedict’s test for reducing sugars. Introduction: Benedict’s tests allows for the detection of the presence of reducing sugars. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars since all of them have active carbonyl group. Some disaccharides that are exposed to a carbonyl group are also reducing sugars but less reactive than monosaccharides. By mixing the sugar solution with Benedict’s solution and heating them, a redox reaction will occur.The copper (II) sulphate present in Benedict’s solution reacts with electrons from aldehyde or ketose group of reducing sugars to form cuprous oxide, a red brown precipitate. Materials: The materials used in order to detect starches was: test tubes, distilled water, Benedict’s solution, starch were used. Negative Control: H20 Positive Control: Starch Obtain nine test tubes and number them 1-9 Add to each tube the materials to be tested. Add 2ml of Benedict’s solution to each tube. Place all the tubes in boiling water- bath for 3 minutes and observe color changes during this time. After 3 minutes , remove the tubes from the water- bath and give the tubes ample time to cool to room temperature. Record the color of their contents. Procedure 6. 2: Perform the iodine test for starch Tube Solution Benedict’s Color Reaction Iodine Color Reaction 1 10 drops onion juice No change Blue->Black w/white No change 2 10 drops potato juice Precipitation Yellow-> blue 3 10 drops sucrose solutionNo change No change 5 10 drops distilled water No change No change 6 10 drops reducing sugar solution Blue No change 7 10 drops starch solution No change Yellow-> Blue 8 Unknown Blue-> Red Brown 9 Unknown 2 Blue Brown 4 10 drops glucose solution Blue-> Brown No change Tube Solution Color 1 2 ml egg albumen Green/yellow 2 2 ml honey No change 3 2ml amino acid solution Purple 4 2ml distilled water No change 5 2ml protein solution Purple 6 Unknown Colorless 7 Unknown 2 Colorless

Friday, August 30, 2019

Principles of supporting business events Essay

You should use this file to complete your Assessment. The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name: Section 1 – Understand how to support the organisation of a business event 1. When organising a business event, describe the range of support activities that may be required. 2. Complete the table below by identifying two ways of providing support before, during and after a business event. Before During After Section 2 – Understand the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event and how to do so 1. Explain the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour when supporting a business event. 2. Describe ways of exhibiting professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event. Section 3 – Understand how to deal with problems encountered when supporting a business event 1. What are the main types of problems that may occur when supporting a business event? You should include at least three different types of problems in your answer. 2. Identify possible solutions for each of the problems you have listed in Question 1 above. Once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment, go to and send your work to your tutor for marking.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

English Language and English Proficiency Levels

Carrie Wertepny Domain 1: Culture (Cross-Cultural Communications) Standard 1: Culture as a Factor in ELLs’ Learning Why are having Domain's and Standards important to teachers? Domains and Standards play a huge part in giving teachers indicators on their children's performances. We as teachers need certain domains and standards on identifying and monitoring the children's performances throughout the classroom. Having standards allows us as teachers to indicate their levels of ability and performances to be met. Their are three levels of standards that can be measured on the children's ability how well they perform.The three types of standards that teachers use are Approaches Standards, Meet Standards and Exceeds Standards. (  2003. by teachers of English speakers of other languages, Inc, TESOL  ) In Culture (Cross-Cultural Communications) the first domain of five. This  is an important factor in ELLs to learn and understand the language knowledge from the diverse backgro unds. The most recent survey says in (2005-2006) the population of ELL's is up approximately  10 percent of the total public school enrolled and increasing every year. (Why TESOL? pg 5-6) Why TESOL?States, â€Å"Providing for the English Language learners is one of the school districts greatest challenges. † Their are many indicators we can use to help us engage in our children's diversity. Some ideas I found interesting to help would be, displaying artifacts from different cultures. Celebrating ethnic holidays throughout the year would be a great way to inform others and help the children feel comfortable. I believe that getting to know your students background and engaging in their life stories will help us succeed and be effective in their learning for ELL's and  their diverse background.Performance Indicators 1. 1. a. Understand and apply knowledge about cultural values and beliefs in the context of teaching and learning of ELLs, from diverse backgrounds and at varyin g English proficiency levels. 1. 1. b. Understand and apply knowledge of concepts of cultural competence, particularly knowledge about how cultural identities affect learning and academic progress for students from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 1. 1. c. Use a range of resources in learning about the cultural experiences of ELLs and their families to guide curriculum development and instruction. . 1. d. Understand and apply knowledge about the effects of racism, stereotyping, and discrimination in teaching and learning of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 1. 1. e. Understand and apply knowledge about home/school connections to build partnerships with ELLs’ families (e. g. , Parent Leadership Councils (PLC)). 1. 1. f. Understand and apply knowledge about concepts related to the interrelationship between language and culture for students from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels.Cour se| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 1. 1| Why Tesol? Chapters 1-4| Victor video, You tube| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Domain 3: Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Standard 1: ESL/ESOL Research and History Teachers will demonstrate knowledge of history, public policy, research and current practices in the field of ESL/ESOL teaching and apply this knowledge to improve teaching and learning for ELLs. See attached paper) Performance Indicators 3. 1. a. Demonstrate knowledge of L2 teaching methods in their historical context. 3. 1. b. Demonstrate awareness of current research relevant to best practices in second language and literacy instruction. 3. 1. c. Demonstrate knowledge of the evolution of laws and policy in the ESL profession, including program models for ELL instruction. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this sta ndard| TSL 4080| 3. 1| Why Tesol? School research paper and Reserch| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Hyperlinks to (attached documents must be saved in the Portfolio folder) Attachment(s): School research paper URL(s): Summary: See attached paper, for Domains 1,3,5 Domain 5: Assessment (ESOL Testing and Evaluation) Standard 1: Assessment Issues for ELLS Teachers will understand and apply knowledge of assessment issues as they affect the learning of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels.Examples include cultural and linguistic bias; testing in two languages; sociopolitical and psychological factors; special education testing and assessing giftedness; the importance of standards; the difference between formative and summative assessment; and the difference between language proficiency and other types of assessment (e. g. , standardized achievement tests). Teachers will also understand issues around accountability. This includes the implication s of standardized assessment as opposed to performance-based assessments, and issues of accommodations in formal testing situations.As teachers it is very important to understand and beware of the different testing and assessing the students. Testing and assessment are two very different things. Mitchell (1992) states that a test is a â€Å"single-occasion, one-dimensional, and timed exercise, usually in multiple choice or short-answer form. † (Why Tesol, pp 201)   Tests are given in the same time frame and the conditions never change. They call these standardized tests. Not all standardized tests work for everyone, especially English Language Learners (Ell)s . An assessment on a student is a done on a wider range of a scale.We as teachers need to get a more oral assessment on the knowledge, background, history, language where the (ELL)s came from. Upon entering a new school for the first time, us as teachers need to know everything about our student’s background and language. We ask every parent or guardian to fill out an Home Language Survey (HLS) which in tails about 3-5 questions about their language used at home. This (HLS) will give us an indication how much school the student has had and a background about their family as well as their native language.It is up to administrators to make sure the students are placed correctly and teachers to watch and document their language growth throughout the year. As for the testing and assessing, formal and informal are a type of assessment that is brought in to teach ESL students. It is important to test them on their linguistic skills, which include, phonology, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary. These are just language assessments instruments that are used to determine the results on what is being taught by teachers. Formal measures are based on standardized test.They are very structured, timed and trained to be given and administered by very strict rules. It is sometimes very hard for and (ELL)s to take a formal test due to their reading,writing capabilities. As for informal measures, they are a little more hands on learning. As teachers we can do activities and determine students strengths orally and visually. Their is no set time and can be given in various languages not just English. It is very important the student is assessed correctly for the correct placement in his/her program.It is also very important to understand the federal laws that coincide with the equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of national origin, ethnicity,or languages. (Why TESOL? , 2010)   The consent decree was a law that was passed that consists of six different principals to be met in each section. Each (ELL)s student has to be assessed in six steps which include: identification, appropriate and categorical programming (LEP), personnel, monitoring and outcome measures. (Why TESOl? pp 210) After the (ELL)s are measured they now are placed in a certain level.Levels such as (A1- E) each of these levels indicate what (ESOL) service or basic program they will be placed into. Making sure the proper assessments are given before, during and after school is very crucial to ones learning. The very initial start of school is the most important evaluation and steps that need to be taken to follow the correct standards and laws for the English Language Learner. Performance Indicators 5. 1. a. Demonstrate an understanding of the purposes of assessment as they relate to ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. b.Identify a variety of assessment procedures appropriate for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. c. Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate and valid language and literacy assessments for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. d. Demonstrate understanding of the advantages and limitations of assessments, including the array of accommodation s allowed for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 1. e. Distinguish among ELLs’ language differences, giftedness, and special education needs.Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 5. 1| Why Tesol? Chapters 22-26| Power point/ You tube| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Standard 2: Language Proficiency Assessment: Teachers will appropriately uses and interpret a variety of language proficiency assessment instruments to meet district, state, and federal guidelines, and to inform their instruction. Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse ackgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teachers will articulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders. Factors influencing the assessment of English Language Learners are very important to understand. Language fact ors and guidelines consist of: * Different linguistic backgrounds- * Varying levels of proficiency in English * Varying levels of proficiency in native language Educational Background Factors: * Varying degrees of formal schooling in native Language Cultural factors can also be a great source that adds complexity of appropriate assessing and (ELL)s student.T To plan the assessment, polls are taken by the general student population, which includes English Language Learners. Test taking is a way to getting a clear and valid interpretation of the students ability. Testing is done for all major purposes. They can be used to evaluate readiness for advancement, or for remediation. It is very important according to the laws that modifications must be made for ESOL students, based on the level and language skills of comprehension. It is very crucial that teachers don’t wait until the â€Å"know enough† to instruct the, in school content. Educational Testing Service, 2009, ETS, the ETS logo) It so happens that in many states, ESOL students who have been in the ESOL program for less than two years might be exempted from taking other testing. It is very important that the ESOL committee and school districts of that state evaluate all testing for ELL learners. (Why TESOL? p. 223-225) Domain 5: Assessment (ESOL Testing and Evaluation) Standard 2: Language Proficiency Assessment Teachers will appropriately use and interpret a variety of language proficiency assessment instruments to meet district, state, and federal guidelines, and to inform their instruction.Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teachers will articulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders. Performance Indicators 5. 2. a. Understand and implement district, state, and federal requirements for identification, reclassification, and exit o f ELLs from language support programs, including requirements of the LULAC Consent Decree. 5. 2. b. Identify and use a variety of assessment procedures for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and varying English proficiency levels. . 2. c. Use multiple sources of information to assess ELLs’ language and literacy skills and communicative competence. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 5. 2a5. 3b| Why TEOL? Chap 25| Online E-Learning Journel| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Standard 3: Classroom-Based Assessment for ELLS Teachers will identify, develop, and use a variety of standards- and performance-based, formative and summative assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction and assess student learning.Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teachers will a rticulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders Colorin Colorado (2007) states â€Å"Informal assessments (also called authentic or alternative) allow teachers to track the ongoing progress of their students regularly and often. While standardized tests measure students at a particular point in the year, ongoing assessments provide continual snapshots of where students are throughout the school year.By using informal assessments, teachers can target students' specific problem areas, adapt instruction, and intervene earlier rather than later. † Adapted from: Eastern Stream Center on Resources and Training (ESCORT). (2003). Help! They don't speak English. Starter Kit for Primary Teachers. Oneonta, NY: State University College. It is important to identify and develop certain assessments in a classroom. We as teachers can use performance based assessments by evaluating the language proficiency and schooling through oral reports, speeches, demonstrations, written work and personal portfolios.Here some examples of assessment activities that are geared up for ELL students, for their English speaking proficiency. * Reading buddies * Story telling * Role playing * Visual prompts with writing * Oral note taking * Telling a story with picture books * Playing fun games * Brainstorming with buddies These are some of hundreds of ideas for teachers to develop assessments with different techniques and tools. Teachers can track their growth an ability for placement for the student. Domain 5: Assessment (ESOL Testing and Evaluation)Standard 3: Classroom-Based Assessment for ELLs Teachers will identify, develop, and use a variety of standards- and performance-based, formative and summative assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction and assess student learning. Teachers will understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Teacher s will articulate the appropriateness of ELL assessments to stakeholders.Performance Indicators 5. 3. a. Use performance-based assessment tools and tasks that measure ELLs’ progress in English language and literacy development. 5. 3. b. Understand and use criterion-referenced assessments appropriately with ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. 5. 3. c. Use various tools and techniques to assess content-area learning (e. g. , math, science, social studies) for ELLs at varying levels of English language and literacy development. 5. 3. d.Prepare ELLs to use self- and peer-assessment techniques, when appropriate. 5. 3. e. Assist ELLs in developing necessary test-taking skills. 5. 3. f. Assess ELLs’ language and literacy development in classroom settings using a variety of authentic assessments, e. g. , portfolios, checklists, and rubrics. Course| Indicator(s)| How I learned about this Standard| Evidence that I learned about this standard| TSL 4080| 5. 3a,5. 3c5. 3d| Why TESOL? | http://www. colorincolorado. org/educators/assessment/informal/| TSL 4081| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Critical Thinking Paper Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Thinking Paper - Thesis Example The argument behind nonevidentialism is that some things that are true dot not have evidence. There are occasions that things have been dismissed as false because they lack evidence only for them to be proved otherwise later. On this basis, it is always wrong to treat everything based on evidence. A good example is a scenario where an individual has seen some visual evidence or even heard some audio evidence. The people to whom this individual will be relaying this information to did not see or hear anything that they can term as evidence to the information that is being given to them. The lack of evidence to back this information does not necessarily prove that the information that is being given in this case is not true. Another thing when it comes to religious beliefs is that they are mostly dependent on an individual’s faith. They are in no way related to the evidence that an individual is given. The Christian religion to be specifically asserts that the belief always come before the evidence. This means that individuals are expected to believe in Christianity. Christianity is one of the most influential religions in the world and has millions of believers all over the world. These believers base their reason for joining the religion on their faith in what the Bible tells them about the existence of God the way they should conduct themselves. People who have been in Christianity long enough have the belief that they have had experiences over time that have played a major role in convincing them of the existence of God and His powerfulness. A number of things in the universe do not necessarily have any physical evidence of their existence but are undeniably existent. A good example of such would be human consciousness. No one can claim that they have ever had a chance to see consciousness, but that no one can really disprove its existence. On many occasions, the decisions that people make are always affected by their

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

EMTALA Scenario Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EMTALA Scenario Analysis - Term Paper Example An Analysis of the Situation From a casual glance, the situation is one that appears simple and dismissible, going by the orthopediatrician’s correspondence. This is because; at a casual glance, the status of the patient which is characterized by a non-displaced, splintable and easily detectable fracture is one that is not serious enough to warrant an emergency. Nevertheless, a critical reflection on the situation makes it clear that it is possible that the case may be complicated enough to warrant a legal suit against the hospital. This is especially the case if it turns out that the hospital’s orthopediatrician was either being economical with the truth, or read from an inaccurate source. Conversely, it is also possible that the participating hospital (the hospital that intends to transfer the patient) could be trying to refer the patient as a way of dumping the patient. How the Situation Is Impacted By EMTALA The situation, as misty (due to scantiness and contradicti on of information) as it is, totally applies to EMTALA mandate. The place of the participating hospital may be insignificant to the matter at hand. This is because the hospital could be having a deficiency of an emergency department. Secondly, the nature of the fracture is relatively less serious but may be very complicated. This is because to the layman, the fracture is less serious since it is less visible than compound, open and displaced fractures. However, the fact that pain, swelling and stiffness accompany non-displaced fractures is a matter that directly invokes emergency and thereby necessitating the consideration of EMTALA provisions. According to Bitterman (2011), EMTALA provisions describe medical emergency as a condition that manifests itself by acute and severe symptoms to an extent that failure to administer immediate medical attention places the patient’s health in danger and physiological and anatomical impairment. It is a fact that the non-displaced fracture is causing the patient severe physical pain and will also precipitate swelling and stiffness to the injured arm. Over time, bone and blood infections may ensue as the patient is left untreated. Nonetheless, despite all of these, the fact that EMTALA applies when there is an individual having a medical emergency, and when a request has been made on behalf of the individual for examination, treatment of a medical condition or both, makes the consideration of the patient more binding. In this case, there is a patient with a fractured arm, alongside a request placed by a participating hospital. Above all, even Levy and Pravikoff (2012) acknowledge that EMTALA stipulates that it matters not that the condition is palpable or perceptible to others or that the patient or the participating hospital is able to adduce evidence of the emergency or not. This means that the counterargument by the orthopediatrician that the fracture is a non-displaced one and that it can be splinted and seen in t he office is neither here nor there. The Decision to Make As the Administrator In the case presented, it will be important to have the patient with the fractured hand referred, even if his fracture seems not to warrant strictly urgent medical attention since it is non-displaced, splintable and easily detectable. The Rationale and Thought Process behind the Process The decision to have the patient referred to the hospital for an emergency treatment is very informed and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Research Article Assignment for Supply chain Essay

Research Article Assignment for Supply chain - Essay Example The first type of postponement approach is the product postponement. In this approach, a firm designs a product and uses standardized components to delay its customization (Brown, Lee and Petrakian 67). For companies like Xilinx, the final configuration of the product gets done when it is manufacturing or distributing its products. Implementation of the postponement approach was helpful to Xilinx because there was risk pooling. One of the benefits is that the risk pooling occurs particularly when aggregating the demand for the finished goods. In addition, the aggregate demand in the market becomes less uncertain which lead to Xilinx holding fewer inventories to offer similar level of services. Xilinx also benefits from having a reduced degree of customization which remains low through to the front-end stage (Brown, Lee and Petrakian 76). Firms prefer the traditional method of inventory management because it makes it easier for them to have virtual business models. For example, in the case of Xilinx, the business model allows it to operate at a high rate of flexibility and still maintains its processes at a low-cost. Xilinx also benefits from this model because it had new technical innovation and re-engineering ideas as a result of its improved manufacturing processes. The on-time delivery process of the products is also improved. One of the challenges is that redesigning a product to promote the process of postponement requires the manufacturer to wait for some time until the time when the customers change their designs (Brown, Lee and Petrakian 70). This happens in the new product generation releases. There is little that is done for a company that has implemented a postponement strategy and wants to create products without necessarily using the front-end stage strategy. Xilinx uses three processes to make their process postponement more effective. The first is the inventory modeling operation initiative and the second is the

Monday, August 26, 2019

London striptease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

London striptease - Essay Example In London, for example, the striptease industry is currently booming and many people are flocking into related institutions e.g. the Jo King’s School of Striptease. Many of the women who striptease feel that it empowers them and that it is an adequate way to improve their image. Sexualisation has also hit the media with sexual exposure becoming vital for magazines, movies, music and advertisements to achieve financial success. However, does embracing sexualisation in the society really liberate those involved, especially women, or does it imprison their potential and possibilities? Does sexualisation really empower? It all started with strippers going live on TV to give lessons on lap dancing men to orgasm. Then celebrities like Britney Spears started becoming increasingly popular in relation to their nudity, so much, so that discussions about some of their private parts became major subjects in entertainment gossip. Charlie’s Angels, the movie, was then introduced in 2 001, enhancing the interest of people in ‘sexy’ crime fighting. It involved stars who dressed in soft porn like fashion, which was apparently meant to inspire empowerment and independence in women. Its sequel involved even more sexualisation as the stars were required to perform many stripteases while undertaking their missions. This did not end with the TVs and the radios as anyone walking down the streets in any Western world community would come across teens, young women, and some occasional wild fifty-year –olds wearing shorts cut so low and so tight that they exposed the butt cleavage. These shorts would then be paired with miniature tops, which showed the whole sections of breasts above the nipples and the pierced navels alike. In some cases, as if the overall message radiated from such clothing was not obvious enough, the pieces of clothing would be imprinted with the playboy bunny or a nude porn star’s picture or drawing. As if things were not beco ming weird, enough, many women started going to strip clubs (with female strippers) in their leisure time. They explained that it felt liberating and rebellious to watch their fellow women on the poles, toss some notes at them or shove them in their underwear and occasionally strip down and join them. Many young women became openly and shamelessly obsessed with porn stars, a hobby previously thought to be exclusively for teenage boys. As a result, girls started purchasing merchandise like the one g-strings and vibrators commonly associated with their favorite porn stars (Levy 2010: 32). Nowadays, nudity has become such a common part of life. So much so that exposing a woman’s breasts in public is not considered a taboo, most so in the Western world. In fact, such a scenario is given surprisingly little attention as witnessed in many of the streets. There have been numerous reports of female celebrities taking their morning jogs on the streets of Hollywood with nothing but the ir underwear on, during rush hour traffic. According to the reports, very few people even pay any significance to them, leave alone staring, whistling or commenting inappropriately. Such a scenario can be witnessed in many of America’s beaches, which have fully embraced nudity and anyone seen with even a drab of underwear is considered out of place. Also contributing to this notion is the fashion industry. Models are strolling down the runway with tops that reveal everything under them as they apparently believe that it does not

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Variety of orkids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Variety of orkids - Essay Example The various varieties thrive best in different conditions in the world. There exist about 30,000 species of orchids from all over the world as they come from a wide range of habitats. The principal reason as to why the hobby of growing orchids has been addictive is because they are incredibly diverse and one can always find a suiting type of orchid to grow different from the past one. The comet orchid is from the genus monopodial orchids that are found in Africa. It has white flowers that are fragrant at night. There is the Tulip orchid has substantially shaped flowers that occur in shades of green, white, red, and yellow. They grow in areas where there is high humidity. The Bamboo orchid grows as a roadside weed in the Southeast has very attractive pink flowers. The Dracula orchid tends to grow downwards and have a large lip that looks like a mushroom to attract flies. The tiger orchid has a large genus with over 500 species. They produce small and numerous flowers and are fragrant Moth orchid is the most common of has large flowers that are showier and come in variety of colors. There are as many species of orchids more than the one mentioned in this

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Neptune Orient Lines Limited (NOL) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Neptune Orient Lines Limited (NOL) - Essay Example 73). Using NOL as a case study, this essay examines the principles behind why organisations have to operate in and be responsible to a number of different external environments. It begins with a general discussion of the management theories behind why and how organisations interact with the environment. It then explores how NOL deals with its external environment before concluding that NOL's business is able to thrive because the company is mindful to respond and be responsible to the external environment. According to the system theory (Bertalanffy 1972, pp. 407-26), a closed system has no interaction with the outside environment, while an open system survives on interacting with the outside world. Clearly, most organisations are open system as they are dependent on their external environment for inputs such as raw materials, human resources and capital. In turn, their outputs are produced for the consumption of the outside world (Bateman & Snell 1996, p. 42). Surely, therefore, an organisation's environment is important to its strategic management (Bateman & Snell 1996, p. 56). Management scholars have come up with different ways to characterise an organisation's environment. For instance, Bateman and Snell (1996, pp. 57-69, 73) distinguishes between the macroenvironment and the competitive environment, while Robbins and Mukerji (1994, pp. ... These are forces that management must take into account when doing strategic planning. The competitive environment is composed of forces that are closer to the organisation with examples including, but not limited to competitors, threat or new entrants, threat of substitutes and customers. In short, macroenvironmental forces are factors that are less controllable than factors in the competitive environment. As for the typology observed by Robbins and Mukerji (1994, pp. 60-66), the general environment refers to everything outside the organisation whereas the specific environment is that part of the environment directly related to the achievement of organisational goals. By way of a clarifying example, the general environment includes factors such as political and economic conditions and the social milieu and the specific environment typically includes supplies, customers, competitors etc. Irregardless of the particular terminology used by different scholars, the received wisdom today is that companies must respond effectively to the environment. Bateman and Snell (1996, pp. 69-73) forcefully argue that companies can devise proactive strategies to change the environment using strategic maneuvering. For instance, companies can change the boundaries of their competitive environment through merging with or acquiring a competitor's company, domain selection and the like. Robbins and Mukerji (1994, pp. 68-69), on the other hand, are not as forceful as Bateman and Snell. They argue that most organisations are powerless to change their environment, but large and powerful organisations can manage the environment in such a way that minimises the constraints imposed unto them by the environment.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Googles Human Resource Activities And Its Business Objectives Research Paper

Googles Human Resource Activities And Its Business Objectives - Research Paper Example Google has abandoned the age-old practice of simple delegation; instead, it has adopted a vigorous practice of training and developing strategically important skills of its middle-level executives. Thus, the study has established a substantially positive and dynamic correlation between the former and the latter. In the modern service industry, the role of human resource management (HRM) has been found to be invaluable in meeting the organizational objectives. By taking Google as a case study, it is projected that the needs of the service industry depicting the modern information age industry will be captured in terms of objectives within the context of HRM. In the creation of the appropriate relationship between the organizational objectives at Google and the role of the HRM function, this study makes the inference that the global status that Google occupies will give the best picture of a successful link (Verma, 2006). Therefore, the choice of Google Company for this research study was inspired by its global success in different spheres of operations as its growth trajectory illustrates. Google’s Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is said to have been formulated from a desire of the top management to harness its resource allocation policies so that positive functional synergi es could be achieved. Google Company has been in existence since 1996 circa and the founders - Larry Page and Sergey Brin – have been in charge of its most critical technical operations. After 15 years of operations, the company has evolved into a gigantic multinational company (MNC) with its stakeholders spread throughout the globe. Its HRM function is influenced by the company’s global operations inspired by its rare market brand positioning unmatched by several of its rivals.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How ICT impacts on me Essay Example for Free

How ICT impacts on me Essay I think ICT impacts me a lot since I first used a computer. It made my life happier but as well as distracting me too much sometimes. When I first used a computer, I was about 8 or 9; it was a must because we all had computer lessons since primary 3 until year 7. Email was the only major thing that made me use computers. By the time goes by, I am getting older, I was told by my younger cousin to play computer games on the internet. Since then, I used computer every day. My mum saw this then she set me a do’s list and a don’ts list. She thought that I was too addicted to the internet for some reason. This probably is one of the handicaps of how ICT impacts on me. On the other hand, teachers taught us how to use email on the internet since we were small, that leaded me communicating with my school friends during holiday. I thought this was very easy for us; we did not have to ring each other very frequently, we could simply send emails. However, we did not use it too appropriately. As the technology is growing year by year, now I know what exactly computers or anything related to ICT help us and influence us. Say about the online banking nowadays, customers will receive a little machine from their bank, which is used for confirming you are the right person when your debit or withdraw money from online banking. This can help with avoiding crime on online banking. For example, customer will need their secure key every time they log on. Secure key is the name of the little machine. It is handy, easy to keep in a safe place. Whenever customers need to log on to their online banking account, the website will ask them for the security code from their secure key. Next, they need to click one of the buttons on their secure key, then a random number or key appear on the screen. This prevents from some people who are trying to hack in others’ accounts. This would also make people feel safer when they do online banking, and getting away from the stress of being stolen a huge amount of money sneakily. This also affects hackers in a bad way; they will not be able to investigate a new way to hack people’s accounts in a period! On the other side of the influence on me, it would probably be computers. Years ago, I was still ‘’writing’’ my prep, nowadays, I go straight to my laptop and ‘’type’’ out my prep and then print them off. We have a various choice for us to prepare and do our paper work on our laptops. Now I use word processer to do my essay-work. Presentation software is for presenting information to a group of people. Spreadsheet is for calculating faster than working out numbers ‘manually’. Database is for holding a massive amount of data and records. This really does help people work more efficiently and spend less time on their work. Correcting words immediately after you find out wrong words is one of the advantages of ICT. Scribbles can be prevented if I work on my laptop. Finally, ICT really affects us in a good way, but there is one main thing that is bad for us. On the social side, some social websites tend to be too distracting to people, this would affect their working motivation and their working force. ICT could be a handicap in some ways. It could lead some teenagers or children over-addicted to computer games or social websites. In conclusion, ICT impacts me well so far. I could do my prep in a faster way and entertainment myself when I am bored or free.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Analysis Essay Example for Free

Case Analysis Essay This case focuses on how Toyota as a vehicle manufacturer is looking to get more people to migrate from gas powered vehicles to environment friendly hybrid car variety. The case looks at the automobile market and specifically the hybrid and fuel cell category market in great detail. The automobile industry in general is highly dependent on government regulations and legislatures. There were a lot of pro hybrid and pro Fuel cell legislations that were passed by the California State government which the experts felt that was a matter of time before it would be adopted by other states and would soon become Federal Law. The general trend amidst American customers has been to move from larger cars of American manufacturers to the smaller and better fuel efficiency Japanese cars. It has also been noted that with time the acceptability of hybrid vehicles has been increasing and some states like California are adopting it more easily than others like Memphis. Technologically, whilst Fuel Cells were the cleanest form of vehicle power available, studies had proved that the total impact of extracting hydrogen and then using it in a cell was even greater than a gas powered vehicle. Also, experts felt that it will be 10-20 more years before the fuel cell technology is strong enough. Toyota had invested and committed to developing capacity for the hybrid vehicles while its competition had only looked at hybrids as a temporary fix and were lobbying against certain laws. If imposed, these laws would result in a much higher demand of hybrids. The new hybrid technologies put in place by Toyota also ensured the same driving experience as with other American muscles cars. Problem Definition : The Problem in front of Toyota was simple. Although the Prius had done reasonably well , it was still largely a niche product. Toyota now wanted to move from that stage into mainstream acceptance. It wanted to move up the bell curve into the growth phase of its PLC. Most of the Prius buyers were â€Å"Innovators and Early Adopters – people who had the understanding of technological products and those belonging to urban and semiurban areas. As a company Toyota now had to take Prius and make it more acceptable to the late adaptors and induce people to buy hybrids. Alternatives : The advertising and marketing campaigns of Prius have always revolved around its technical superiority over all other gas powered vehicles while still maintaining the basic performance attributes. However at this stage of the PLC, Prius has to communicate and connect to new customers at an emotional level. Since Late adopters and laggards usually tend to have a delegatory buying behavior, they often tend to make decisions based less on technical aspects of the product. Thus the marketing campaign should focus on portraying the act of being caring about the planet a desirable trait in people. It should also depict the ownership of Prius as a point of Pride – as a medallion of one’s contribution to the planet’s wellbeing. To overcome geographical and demographic biases, the ads should depict different kinds of people, men and women from different states, professions and backgrounds displaying their pride at owning a Prius. Owning a Hybrid should be portrayed as a patriotic duty of every car owner in order to protect the environment and thereby the future of the nation. The more interior states of Memphis and others could use some American Celebs who the people identifies with become brand ambassadors for promoting Hybrid technology. The other possible method could be to focus the attention of the customer to the overall benefit of shifting to a Hybrid both in financial terms and otherwise. The advantage of using such a strategy will be that the differences will be highly tangible and therefore very easy to communicate. At the same time, it will continue to focus on technicalities alone and may be continue to appeal to the technical bent of innovators and early adopters only, in which case it will be difficult to graduate to the next phase of the PLC. Also, we need to understand that the American consumer is not very much price sensitive when it comes to cars, and therefore might not respond to the financial benefit appeal. Recommended Alternatives: The more sensible foot forward would be to primarily work on consumer’s acceptance of the product at a psychological level. This can be achieved if the product can establish an emotional connect with the consumers and then move ahead from there. Thus Toyota has to work on making Prius a preferred brand my making it more American and a more responsible choice. Implementation plans : ? ? ? ? Shift from a technical attribute focus to a more emotional focus Work on advertising campaigns along different media channels to project Prius as the obvious least that one could do to keep the planet clean. Reach out to the semi urban and rural consumer by focusing on how a hybrid makes sense for consumers of different ages, class and category. Make the brand more acceptable to them by using local celebs and building confidence and identity with the brand product.

How Was the Universe Created?

How Was the Universe Created? The three things above are really good reason why we believe in this theory. All the point above proves the possibility of the big bang theory and they all come together in order to prove it. Arguments against the big bang theory Many people still dont believe in the Big Bang theory because they think it is not right. This could be because of some of the problems with the theory itself. Many people ask many different questions and find many flaws in the big bang theory. Most people accept that the universe never had a beginning as that is the only possible solution and the most realistic reason we know. People also believe that the universe never had a beginning so it will never end and will keep expanding forever infinitely. The biggest problem with the theory is that there isnt such strong proof for what started the big bang. As we all know, to start something or something to start there has to be something to trigger that start and as far as we know the big bang didnt have a start. People dont find the theory convincing because they believe that such an event could have happened without something triggering it. Regarding this some people also believe that the start could have been triggered by God. And God created the whole universe and it is God who started big bang. This is possible but not certain and therefore we require evidence and proof. No one is certain that God exist and many questions can be asked in the existence of God. This question cannot be answered; it is same as asking how was the universe created. To know the real truth we would have to revisit time. Fred Hoyle constructed a model to show that the universe was infinitely old and has remained steady. This is known as the Steady State theory. This theory was much more acceptable among the religious groups as was less vague. However it was also accepted by the science side because it did include the expansion of the universe. {13} this theory seems to work on both scientific and the religious sides. Fred Hoyle believed that, if the universe is expanding there has to be something being made up in the spaces between galaxies. In practical I think this is very clear and a simple explanation as it is same as the big bang theory but has a different alteration for the expansion. He concluded that only one hydrogen atom is enough in a year to keep the expansion running. Experiment This theory can be easily tested by using a balloon. If we put red dots on a balloon and then blow it, we will notice that the red dots are expanding. If we focus ourselves from one red dot we will notice that the further dots are moving faster because the spaces between the dots are increasing. This increase of the gap between the dots is parallel to the filling of universe and the cause of the expansion. Other Evidence against the Big Bang theory was that some of the galaxies near our own galaxies were much younger and some galaxies have been discovered to be older than the universe. {13} -clearly this observation is arguing against the big bang theory and proves its argument by giving us real data. This source is very strong and has actually changed my mind because it clearly tells us that the Big Bang theory might just be a wrong way to describe the origins of our universe. This shows that how easy it is to change peoples mind on the big bang theory if the argument uses good scientific examples and proves thoroughly. The evidence above shows us a flaw in the big bang theory. Secondly, the next evidence against the theory is the steady state theory. The steady state theory states that the universe did not have a start but always been present. This again is an assumption; it also says the universe never had a start so therefore it wouldnt have an end. The steady state theory is not telling us that the universe is static. It does take Hubbles idea of expansion into account. I think this theory is as strong as the big bang because it does consider the other facts. It is easier for scientist to believe in this because it does not have a mysterious start; like the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“big bangà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  theory does. The creationism theory- is it scientific? Everyone has different beliefs and everyone thinks differently. Some people have believed in the creation story and the idea of God. They say that Almighty God created the whole universe including the life on earth. I suppose you cannot argue with them until you provide some very strong supportive evidence. The theory states that God created the heavens and the earth. However life was not present and the earth was empty and formless. Although this is not scientific and does not have sufficient evidence, we cannot disregard it because there are people who believe in this just like people who believe in the Big Bang theory. {9} The disagreement is mostly through the religious groups as they believe God created the universe. The Bible Genesis has given me arguments against the theory of big bang as it states the process in which God created the universe. It states that god created life on earth including all the seasons, the oceans, the sun, the moon, etc. {12} this website provides me with the Bible quotations. It shows how the universe was created in a different point of view and as that God created the universe. This story is basically a belief and faith of religious peoples; although it is unproven they still believe in it and think it is better than big bang. This theory is fascinating because regarding the lack of supportive evidence it is the second most popular theory after the big bang theory. However it does not have any proof for it beliefs. Although people still believe in it and it is good enough to compete with a much explained theory, such as the big bang theory. This quotation is from the bible, the religious book of Christians. It states à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“God created the earth. In the opening words of the Bible, God is unequivocally declared to be the creator of the earth (Gen. 1: 1, 2). The fact God created the earth is repeatedly taught throughout the Bible.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  {12} This has been taken from the bible. This source is reliable in a religion way. But it doesnt have the science behind it to back its ideas. But this source is reliable because it has been known for many years and many people believe in it. The bible states that God took 7 days to make the earth and the universe. Considering the vast population of Christians now days I think their arguments could be effective and can also affect other people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In Christian theology, a domain of special revelation, Gods calling (John 6:44, 6:65) enables people to understand Gods plan and truth. Only those who encounter God and have their minds supernaturally opened by God can understand the truth in these matters. This rationale limits what secular scientists can learn and understand. Unless a scientist receives such a calling the scientist will be always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  {12}. This is a very strong statement and it explains what Christians believe in and argues against the scientist and other people who have beliefs in the big bang theory. I think this website is truly against any science views because from the quote you can see that it is very challenging. Basically it states that a person cannot know the real truth and only people who receive calling from God will find out the truth. It also suggests that God has given us knowledge however it is better to limit o ur knowledge and do not stand against God as he is the only creator. William Paleys argument Stretching the matter from the above explanation, this argument can be used as an example and be used as evidence. Using a concept of a watch Paley said that the world is well designed just like a pocket watch. Everything which makes the watch work needs to be working properly and everything in a watch is designed so perfectly. Therefore if you remove one of the things from inside the watch, it will not work. This applies same with the universe; if we remove the fundamental things such as gravity, it will not work. Thus, the pocket watch and the universe are parallel and they both had a creator. Hence, the universe must have a creator, which is God. Hinduism There are many religions in the world and they all have different beliefs. All the religions are anti- science as they all believe in god. For example Hinduism. Hindus believe that god created the whole universe. Their theory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Before time began there was no heaven, no earth and no space between. Suddenly, from the depths a humming sound began to tremble, Om. It grew and spread, filling the emptiness and throbbing with energy. The night had ended. Vishnu awoke. Vishnus servant, Brahma awaited the Lords command. Vishnu spoke to his servant: It is time to begin. Brahma bowed. Vishnu commanded: Create the world.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The world was soon bristling with life and the air was filled with the sounds of Brahmas creation. {14} this proves that there is not only one religion that disagrees with the big bang theory. However this is only a myth, even the Hindus dont have proof for this. They cannot support their theory with evidence. There are over 270 different religions in this world. And they all have different arguments and different mythology. After looking at these religions I can also say that its not only the religions that have myths, even the scientist have myths- The Big Bang Theory. Problems with the theory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Static universe models fit observational data better than expanding universe models.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Static universe models match most observations with no adjustable limits. The Big Bang can match each of the critical observations, but only with adjustable limits. The microwave background makes more sense as the limiting temperature of space heated by starlight than as the remnant of a fireball. Element large quantity predictions using the Big Bang require too many adjustable parameters to make them work. How could plausible you work out what element was made first if we have never seen the explosion. The predictions are not all true. The universe has too much large scale structure to form in a time as short as 10-20 billion years. The average luminosity of quasars must decrease in just the right way so that their mean apparent brightness is the same at all red shift, which is exceedingly unlikely. Invisible dark matter of an unknown but non-baryonic nature must be the dominant ingredient of the entire universe. The problems above have been taken from the {} {13}- all the information was repeated on many other different website which proves that it is a reliable source and it is true as it is accepted by many other people. The different points all add up to prove that the big bang theory is false and that it has defects in it. Conclusion All the arguments, against and for, are all backed up with good and strong information. That information is reliable because the same information has been found on more than one website or a source. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In one of its several variations the big bang cosmological theory is almost universally accepted as the most reasonable theory for the origin and evolution of the universe.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  This proves the acceptance of the big bang theory and why it is the only possible theory. But after analysing the information, the evidences and their sources and looking at their reliability I feel that the argument For the theory of the Big bang is a bit more reliable and conclusive argument. I can say this because it backs up information with good scientific evidence and theories. I think that the big bang theory is one of the main theories and has been developed through many years. It is so well presented and is supported by enough evidence to make me accept it as truth and I believe that I would only change my mind if a different theory is proven to me with more stronger and good scientific evidence. My opinion I believe that the universe has have got to have a start but this case study has been a great adventure as it keeps changing my view and both the arguments are well balanced and are strongly supported with evidence. I believe that the big bang theory is the only plausible theory and it is one of the greatest theories ever explained in cosmology. This theory has been backed up with loads of information that the person who disagrees with this would have to show evidence and maybe explain why they think this is wrong, which I think is virtually impossible because more people believe in this theory than anything else. This theory is believed by mostly every scientist whereas not the religious people, as they believe in the creation and the god theory. The evidence with this theory is very clear and shows how the big bang could have happened. Literally I think the evidence we have for the big bang theory is enough to actually make another big bang model and find out what actua lly happened. But the only thing which makes me disagrees with this theory is that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“what started the big bang- and what could plausibly trigger a massive explosion?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  this is the only question which is unanswered and I think we will never be able to accomplish to answer this question because it is to great and us humans are not capable of going back to time. I think most people believe that the big bang theory is correct because the things they hear from the news and other shows which tell them only about the theory, the press wouldnt talk against a scientist, so I believe that the peoples mind are changed by the people they hear their information from. But if a person like me who believes in what other people do, my mind can be changed if he information I read is reliable and backs up with good string evidence. However I also think that the big bang theory is one of the best scientific theories ever accomplished because it is so well supported with evid ence. This theory is also supported by many scientists, which also makes the normal people feel that this is the right theory, so all the people would have to accept it unless they challenge the theory and prove it wrong. In this case the arguments FOR the Big Bang theory is a bit more supported and is much more reliable. I can say this because the evidence I found was very reliable and sustain the arguments effectively. For argument are explained clearly and uses good science which makes me feel that it is right because I believe in science more than the religious arguments. Even the religious arguments are not reliable because they could have been made up by someone because we dont have the proof that God created the universe or we havent seen it happen. It is same with the Big bang we havent seen it happen, so it depends on the evidence we have left over and we can only make predictions because we cant go back in time to really know the truth.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Essay -- Papers Christian Religion Lew

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis, is written as set of guidelines of Christian belief. Lewis does not say there is any particular way to believe but he does make a point that the topic of religion itself is serious. As you consider whether you want to believe or not, you have to recognize how much thought it requires, and how thought provoking a process this decision is. Lewis covers Christianity in four different books within his book. In book one, Lewis discusses the Law of Nature and makes note of a tendency in humans of appealing to a standard of absolute truth in quarrels and arguments. He calls this standard the Law of Nature or the Moral Law. The Law isn't the same as the law of gravity because in the latter case, we have no choice but to obey physical laws. The Law that governs human conduct is distinct, then, from the "way the universe works." Lewis concludes that the moral law is alive and active in human lives. According to Lewis, science cannot be used to discover the mind behind the creation of the universe. In book two Lewis simply states what Christians believe. He talks about the major divisions within belief in God, and discusses what he calls Christianity-and-water. Lewis speaks on free will, Satan, and the nature of Christ. Book three contains The Three Parts of Morality. He discusses what he calls the cardinal virtues. According to old writers, there are seven virtues. Four are called cardinal and the other three are theological. Lewis argues for morality between man and man, and what a society would be like if it were completely Christian. He also discusses chastity, marriage, forgiveness, the great - sin pride and self-conceit, and gives another look at the theological... ...ion. In the beginning of the book Lewis compared situations where moral decisions were at stake, to keys on a piano. In some situations they keys were right and in others wrong, depending on the tune you are playing. In book three Lewis describes what the basic rudiments of "Moral music" thus defining the bounds of the songs we as humans can properly write and play and still be recognized as music. As in real music there is a structure and there are rules on how songs can be put together. When the structure is not followed it is very hard to play music that is beautiful to listen to because it would lack a melody with all the harmonies that are pleasing to the ear. As for the seven virtues and Moral law they guide the symphony of our life in which each day is new movement. Without the guidance of the Moral Laws, our life would be the same as jumbled notes on a page.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Protestant Reformation Essays -- European History Religion Papers

The Protestant Reformation Introduction The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century is one of the most complex movements in European history since the fall of the Roman Empire. The Reformation truly ends the Middle Ages and begins a new era in the history of Western Civilization. The Reformation ended the religious unity of Europe and ushered in 150 years of religious warfare. By the time the conflicts had ended, the political and social geography in the west had fundamentally changed. The Reformation would have been revolutionary enough of itself, but it coincided in time with the opening of the Western Hemisphere to the Europeans and the development of firearms as effective field weapons. It coincided, too, with the spread of Renaissance ideals from Italy and the first stirrings of the Scientific Revolution. Taken together, these developments transformed Europe. Causes of the Reformation Many bishops and abbots (especially in countries where they were also territorial princes) bore themselves as secular rulers rather than as servants of the Church. Many members of cathedral chapters and other beneficed ecclesiastics were chiefly concerned with their income and how to increase it, especially by uniting several prebends (even episcopal sees) in the hands of one person, who thus enjoyed a larger income and greater power. Luxury prevailed widely among the higher clergy, while the lower clergy were often oppressed. The scientific and ascetic training of the clergy left much to be desired, the moral standard of many being very low, and the practice of celibacy not everywhere observed. Not less serious was the condition of many monasteries of men, and even of women (which were often homes for the unmarried daughte... ...s did not have to be run by a religious leader or Monarchist and that a person’s life did not have to be centered on religion or the afterlife. If it were not for the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the world we live in now would be a much different place. The Protestant Reformation was a major building block of history, and some would say our country. Bibliography: Works Cited Birch, David. Early Reformation English Polemics. Austria: University of Salzburg, 1983. Dickens, A.G. The English Reformation. London: BT Batsford Ltd, 1989. Rex, Richard. Henry VIII and the English Reformation. London: Macmillan Education Ltd, 1993. Scarisbrick, J.J. The Reformation and the English People. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publisher Ltd, 1984. Tyacke, Nicholas. England’s Long Reformation 1500-1600. London: UCL Press, 1998.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye Essay -- Anatomy Criticism North

Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye In Anatomy of Criticism, author Northrop Frye writes of the low mimetic tragic hero and the society in which this hero is a victim. He introduces the concept of pathos saying it â€Å"is the study of the isolated mind, the story of how someone recognizably like ourselves is broken by a conflict between the inner and outer world, between imaginative reality and the sort of reality that is established by a social consensus† (Frye 39). The hero of Hannah W. Foster’s novel, The Coquette undoubtedly suffers the fate of these afore mentioned opposing ideals. In her inability to confine her imagination to the acceptable definitions of early American female social behavior, Eliza Wharton falls victim to the ambiguity of her society’s sentiments of women’s roles. Because she attempts to claim the freedom her society superficially advocates, she is condemned as a coquette and suffers the consequences of exercising an independent mind. Yet, Eliza does not stand a lone in her position as a pathetic figure. Her lover, Major Sanford -- who is often considered the villain of the novel -- also is constrained by societal expectations and definitions of American men and their ambition. Though Sanford conveys an honest desire to make Eliza his wife, society encourages marriage as a connection in order to advance socially and to secure a fortune. Sanford, in contrast to Eliza, suffers as a result of adhering to social expectations of a male’s role. While Eliza suffers because she lives her life outside of her social categorization and Sanford falls because he attempts to maneuver and manipulate the system in which he lives, both are victims of an imperfect, developing, American society. Though Eliza’s ... ... comic hero. This flaw seems to be a result of the greater defect of the society in which he functions. Certainly not an innocent and having his own characterization of the same fatal flaw as Eliza – a decisive determination for independence -- Sanford shares in the traditional tragic conclusion of isolation and loss. Despite an attractive interpretation that Eliza Wharton deserves her tragic fate because she is too scandalous of a seductress, her fall is actually a result of her desire for autonomy in a society that denies women that right. Also, to view Sanford as a heartless villain would be reductionary. He too, like Eliza, is subject to the judgements, constraints, and values of a flawed society in which he is separated from his true love. Both characters fall as a result of their desire for relational freedoms that early American society denies them.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An Analysis of the Kenyan Mobile Phone Market Essay

The stage is thus set for fierce competition among Mobile service providers in Kenya with possible positive benefits for the millions of mobile subscribers in the country. . 2 Technology According to Laudon(2006:292), â€Å"mobile phones enable millions of people to communicate and access the internet †¦. where conventional telephone and internet services are expensive or unavailable†. It is not surprising then that in a country such as Kenya with poor or little infrastructure in the form of fixed telephone lines, developed transport systems and computer facilities that a large percentage of the population has resorted to using mobile phones to communicate , do business and enhance their lives. According to Menguy, T (2007), in 1990, only 48. % of long distance calls and 53. 7% of domestic calls were being completed successfully using a fixed line. State owned fixed line operator Telkom Kenya has been regarded as a â€Å"low performer with no competition†. Laudon ( 2006:292) highlights that the global standard for cellular service is GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) which is also currently being used by the Safaricom and Celtel networks. Using the GSM band users are able to retain the same number while being able to roam across national borders to nearby countries such as Uganda and Tanzania (BBC News as reported by Karobia, C,). Although the benefits and features of smart phones are widely known and used by the western world developing companies such as Kenya as still getting used to the idea of having a phone that does nearly everything for them. Safaricom is only introducing 3G and video calling including other value adding services to Kenyans next year (Arunga, J and Kahora, B (2007:12)) which undoubtedly will only enhance the lives of Kenyans. 1. 3 Foreign Trade Policy During the 1980’s until 1990’s, Kenya’s poor relations with donors resulted in heavy domestic borrowing and higher interest rates which resulted in poor economic growth. According to Wagacha, M, (2008:12) trade policies in Kenya underwent reformation in 1990 which resulted in greater trade openness (such as the CCK’s decision to issue more mobile phone licences to companies). The Trade Openness Index is an indication of the ability of country to trade and is calculated by adding imports and exports of company and representing it as a fraction of GDP. Wagacha, M (2008:12) highlights that the trade openness index for Kenya was an average of 46. 4% during 1997 to 2003 . The higher the trade openness the more open the country is to trade and the higher the growth. A country such as Uganda had an openness index of 26. 7 which indicates that Kenya has better trade policies and a better chance of growth as compared to Uganda. In addition to this Apoteker, T and Crozet, E (2003:7) argue that better trade openness results in †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Innovation and efficient production in a smaller number of goods [and allows Kenya]†¦. to compete internationally. Greater variety of goods available to consumers thus increasing the consumer Surplus and satisfying the consumers’ â€Å"demand of difference†. †¢[The] Adoption of sound policies to make sure the country is attractive to investors. †¢Capital flows can enhance domestic investment rates. From capital-rich to capital-poor countries, they can improve the rate of capi tal accumulation in the latter†. According to Arunga, J and Kahora, B (2007:7) prior to 1998 all telecommunications in Kenya was owned and controlled by the state owned company Kenya Posts and Telecommunications (KP&C). Wagacha, M (2008:16) highlights that more than 200 transnational corporations are operating in Kenya successfully, in many industries not limited just to the mobile phone sector. However trade reforms and governmental corruption have always influenced investment from foreign companies. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) may be regarded as the commitment by developed countries to facilitate the access of new technologies, markets, products, process and skills and most importantly funds to the developing or emerging country to improve and strengthen the economic development of the developing country such as Kenya. In1999 the Kenyan government approved the new act proposed by the Communication Commission of Kenya(CCK) which made KP&C redundant with the intention of opening up the industry to invite competition from foreign and local service providers. The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) as cited by Van Vuuren, H (2002:1) also describes â€Å"private capital flows to Africa, as an essential component of a sustainable long-term approach to filling the resource gap†. However bribery and corruption in the Kenyan government and the government’s interference in the mobile phone industry is well known. In 2005 Econet Wireless paid US$ 15 m for phone network licence which according to Arunga, J and Kahora, B (2007:7) was illegally cancelled by the Kenyan Minister of Information and Communications. The same minister was also accused of illegally cancelling a tendering process for a second fixed line operator and is alleged to have a vested interest in monopolised Telkom Kenya. The Competition Commission of Kenya (CCk) which was formed in the first place to invite foreign and local investment in the mobile industry has since been dissolved due to governmental interference in a highly political industry. Today nearly 100’s of companies are still waiting for their licences to be issued which now rests with government which is trying to regulate the industry with a political agenda which is counter productive to stimulating sustainable long term growth to reduce poverty (Wagacha, 2008). 1. 4 Economy Table 1 below shows some key statistics on Kenya. According to the information presented in the table it can be seen that Kenya has an average population of 34. 7million people and 52% of the Kenyan population is below the poverty line. Table 1: Key Statistics for Kenya

Friday, August 16, 2019

AD scholarship essay

I had this mindset that I would never be able to survive off of my medicine, and I came to see them as a necessity to function properly in this world. I succeeded in community college by getting into the Honors Program, and was able to graduate as an Honors Scholar. It wasn't until I got into a university that my academic abilities and character as a pre-allied health major was tested. I made the ingenious decision to handle my ADD without any pharmaceutical help, whatsoever.Exercise and dietary choices are my main method f treatment, along with sheer willpower and self-discipline. Not only was I able to lose about twenty-five pounds of fat, I got physically, and mentally stronger as well. I developed a better mindset, which lead to a stronger body. I started to learn a lot about myself, and how the brain actually works on its own. I learned that Is It Indeed possible to channel my â€Å"hyper-focusing† abilities when I need to, and It Is especially easy to hyper-focus when I want to! As a Sinology major, my classes are science- heavy.I learned that when I'm In a class that I am passionate about, the ability to focus seems to get easier. I started reading a lot of books about ADD living, and I started to make my life more ADD friendly, which meant simplifying my life. Working with my ADD, rather than against It, seems to work out better In my favor. I started studying in ways that would make my ADD symptoms seem to go away. I utilized color, mnemonics, and videos to understand concepts that most students would understand through a lecture.Honestly, I wish It were easier living with ADD, and I sis I didn't have the difficulties that come with It, specifically the Inability to naturally filter out extrasensory Information. However, the gifts that come from a hyper-creative brain often outweigh the more annoying aspects of living with the disorder. People with ADD aren't stupid; we Just process things differently. In many careers, that can be a massive asse t! Eventually, I want to go to graduate school to pursue a career as a Physical Therapist. I figure that this would be a good career that utilizes the creative and hyperactive ADD brain.I decided I would never succeed In a monotonous desk Job, and as a physical therapist, my workplace would be a gym– which Is something that I would absolutely love! ADD scholarship essay By Shelby-Piper about myself, and how the brain actually works on its own. I learned that is it indeed possible to channel my â€Å"hyper-focusing† abilities when I need to, and it is especially heavy. I learned that when I'm in a class that I am passionate about, the ability to with my ADD, rather than against it, seems to work out better in my favor.I started understand through a lecture. Honestly, I wish it were easier living with ADD, and I wish I didn't have the difficulties that come with it, specifically the inability to naturally filter out extrasensory information. However, the gifts that come from a pursue a career as a Physical Therapist. I figure that this would be a good career that utilizes the creative and hyperactive ADD brain. I decided I would never succeed in a monotonous desk Job, and as a physical therapist, my workplace would be a gym— which is something that I would absolutely love!

Sun Zis Art Of War

We all recognize that a large force has numerical power and when they move in groups, they are able to defeat a lot of challenge, but one mortal characteristics of a large force in my mind is flexibility. It cannot move fast because request from one point will take a long time to travel to the critical and important places in the force. This makes a large force less agile than a small force and we all know speed is of the aspect both in war and business. ‘ Organization Structure' defined how is tour company structured?How many departments are there? How many levels are there between the head of department to the lowest level? These are some of the inquiry you should follow up when you are surveying your organization structure. You also have to determine if there is a need to build a new department for a certain objective. ‘Formation' now in those days, when Sun Uzi was writing the book , formations would refer to how the infantry, army and chariots are arranged and positi oned in the battlefield. You would then ask, what is formation' in the business world?It compress to how you piece your employees. Communication' is the next important condition, you need to have information flow to related departments and critical staff. But there is one particular way where it could delay information progress and that is human fault. An account would then be effective here. Organization may have to manage a structure such that employees who take right actions are satisfied. Line 5. 19 & 5. 20 When gushing torrential water tosses stones and pushes boulders, it is because of the force created by its momentum.When the ferocious strike of an eagle breaks the body of its prey, it is because of the exact moment and timing of its engagement. Sun Uzi used two analogies to accent the importance of TV conditions and they are timing and momentum. With momentum, even the eagle was able to break the body of the prey without much effort and water that does not have a solid shap e is able to push big stones and with good timing. When the gushing torrential water tosses stones pushing boulders, it is because of the force of its momentum. When the cruel beat of an eagle, breaks the body of its prey, it is because of the timing of the strike.Thus the momentum and ores of the skillful in battle are so murderous and overwhelming and his timing of engagement is swift and precise. MOMENTUM Where and how can we use momentum in business? One condition where we can use momentum is advertising. Where you are entering into a new market, the first most important thing you should do is to establish your marketing operation properly. Your marketing operation must set up momentum, having continuous and stable disclosure of your products and brand to the new consumers, repetition help consumers to remember your product and brand better.Approach to make the consumers remember your brands and products are slogans, jingles, logos and many more. Many consumers have favored sens es to absorb and learn things. Logos would demand to people who are more visual in slogan, jingles, learning would appeal more to people who are more auditory. That is reason why most of the marketing operation has both. Repetition would create momentum for your advance into a new market. You are able to let yourself be remarked in the new market and user. Do some analysis on those competitors who are running in the new markets you are advancing.TIMING Good timing can make flourish and bad timing can make kill. If we are able to time our selling an purchase of shares well, we would obtain the maximum amount of profits. The timing of entering a new market is very important to our business. There are two conditions, which is knowledge and experience to help us able to get the right timing in our business. Knowledge allows us to gauge a range of time when opportunities is about to happen as such we can make establishment to take the opportunity.We can earn consistent knowledge on our o wn but to be able to grasp the timing rightly, it would irately depend on attitude and experience. Because timing is like shooting an arrow, you can have knowledge of the wind guidance, the bows strength, the angle to shoot at and many more, but when it comes to practical, which is releasing the arrow, it takes experience. In the other hand, these is good and bad timing to execute business decisions. Bad economic times although results in lower sales, it also means lower costs of development as well.As the common phrase said, ‘Practice makes perfect' it never says ‘Knowledge makes perfect'. 5. 5 In any battle situation and condition, there are only the direct and indirect approaches and forces. Sun Uzi mentioned to use direct force to match the enemy and using indirect force to win the enemy. And in the next few sentences, he mentioned that the combinations of these two types of forces are infinite and its communications and can produce awesome results. In battle, use th e direct forces to match the enemy, and use the indirect forces to win the enemy.So that, the person who is skillful at using indirect forces, can use it in flow of water in streams and rivers. Direct and indirect forces are like the beginning and the end and also like the ever changing character of the sun and moon, direct and indirect forces recover and disappear like the changes of the four seasons. There are Only five basic notes but their modifications and combinations can create many musical grade that one is not possible to hear them all. There are only five basic colors, but their mixes and matches produce so many visuals that one is not possible to view them all.There are only five basic flavors, but their blends and mixtures produce so many tastes that one is not Seibel to taste them all. In the battle, there are only the direct and indirect forces. However the changes and combinations between the two are infinite. Their communications and combinations are like two never-e nding, interlink rings where possibilities of its beginning and endings cannot be determined. The indirect forces in battle would be related to the intangibles. Direct forces in the battle would be related to the pricing or quality of products or services in business, factors that are easily duplicated by competitors. Rice and laity can be easily simulated but it is the intangibles that are difficult to duplicate, it usually gives a business a sustainable competitive edge over his rivals and allows differentiation between services and products easily. Try to relevant as much as possible, but concentrate of using indirect forces as well as you can.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Remembering Our Heroes

Some heroes will not be forgotten because they are written into textbooks for schools, Poe peel related to them ell others about their heroics and stories about them so people can know ho w heroic they were and as long as there is religion there will be the heroes to the religious that WI II be remembered. Some heroes will be remembered forever because they are written into text kooks for schools. The story of Achilles is remembered by tons of people because of TEX taboos. In history classes, kids are taught about the story of Achilles during history classes in mi del school and high school because he was a hero from thousands of years ago.Achilles is a prime example of why people will remember some heroes through. People remember Moses FRR mom ancient Egypt through teaching from textbooks. In history classes and through chi arches an d religion, his story is taught to the younger generations about how he saved the Jews from slaver y and became a hero. When it comes down to it, it do es not matter what era a hero is from, if t he deed of a hero is heroic enough, teachers will teach the next generations about that hero. Nielsen Heroes will be remembered because relatives of them will tell of their heroic efforts to people so they will know of them.We know of hero's who have died in battle because their relatives told others about what they did for their country. In WWW, the soldiers RSI who won the medal of honor, but died in battle are talked about by their families for their h Eric efforts. WWW hero's are talked about and not forgotten because of their families. When a h age crisis that affects an entire nation occurs families of the hero's who died in the crisis will remember them forever. The families of the hero's from the 9/11 crisis remember their loved o one's everyday and speak of their courageous efforts to save the wounded.If it was not for those heroes, there would be hundreds of people who would not have survived the 9/11 crisis that did. There will be some heroes that will be remembered as long as there is religion n. The hero to the Christians and Jews, who is known as the messiah, is named Jesus. He s written about in bibles and known as a hero to the two religions because he died for them, too k away and forgave their sins. He died about two thousand years ago and is still remembered Todd ay through the holiday, Christmas. Abraham is known as the father of Christianity, Judaism, a ND Islam.He intentioned to praise the lord and continued to teach his two sons about the 10 rd. His son Isaiah continued on the Jewish and Christian religions while the other son that Bra ham had with his slave had continued on the Islamic religion. If it was not for the faith of Abram am, three of the biggest religions in today's world would not be around today but they still are and are taught to billions of people around the world. In conclusion, some heroes will be remembered forever because the relatives of the heroes will tell of their heroi c efforts so people will know and because the her sees are written into textbooks for schools.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Women S Roles In World War One

These women worked primarily with gunshot wounds and gas victims. The Fad's would have to keep wounds clean, distribute painkillers, and inject these painkillers into men's wounds. The Fanny however had a much more undesirable job. Fanny's would have to clean and disinfect rooms that housed wounded soldiers. â€Å"Some of these volunteers even recalled having to get rid of bodies from the hospital. † (www. Sachem. Du/Erlenmeyer) Not only did these women have to clean the soldier's wounds, but on occasion had to clean the soldiers themselves. Although volunteering as a FANNY seemed unlikable, the women were happy to help aid the grateful soldiers.Other jobs that women did included land work. One group of women were The Women's Land Army. The Women's Land Army worked to bring in the harvest and maintain the farms. Anything that could be done by hand by the WALLA was done by hand in order to save fuel. Since the need for WALLA workers was so high, recruiting officers never thorou ghly checked women's ages. Girls at the age of only 14 were accepted after lying that they were 18. Although the job was tough, â€Å"women were only paid 18 shillings a week. 12 of these shillings would be devoted to food and board, leaving only 6 shillings for women to spend for themselves.Considering a pair of pantyhose cost 3 shillings, they did not have much. † (www. Sachem. Du/Erlenmeyer) Not only did women take over jobs to help the war effort, but they also went out and â€Å"contained† for the U. S. Soldiers. â€Å"They would provide entertainment, hand out food, cigarettes, and sweets, and sewed buttons back on uniforms. † (WV. Www. Warranted. Com/ hoosegow) Women would sing and dance for the soldiers to keep their spirits up. But not only did they sing and dance, but also gave lectures and read poetry. The soldiers would look forward to seeing the women perform for them.It would give them hope even when things were going wrong. A soldier described Sar ah Wailer's performance saying â€Å"I shall never forget as long as I live the blessed white dress she had on the night she recited to us. We had not seen a white dress in years. There we were all ready to go into the line, and there she was talking to us like a girl from home. It sure was a great sight, you bet. † (War And Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa) In order to raise awareness for the war and show their support, women began campaigns to help the war effort. One campaign in particular was the White Feather Campaign.In this campaign, women would go around and hand out a white feather to any healthy looking man, trying to shame him for being a coward. At that time a white feather was a symbol Of unfulfilled civic duty and receiving a white feather showed the women's disappointment in that man for not going to serve his country. The point of this campaign was to shame men into going to fight. Although in many cases it proved successful, women soon stopped the White Feather Campaign because people spoke out against it. After World War One women were looked at differently. Men realized that they could actually work and take responsibility.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Architectural Science in the UK Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Architectural Science in the UK - Assignment Example This requires effective consideration of particular features of the dwelling in order to enhance the use of green energy thereby containing the runaway pollution experienced in particular parts of the world as the discussion below portrays. Designing and developing a dwelling requires effective utilization of space, which is often the most important feature. Consumers continually demand larger homes spaces beside several other features that make homes habitable (Evers & Koln, 2006). This thus influences the selection of a construction location often considering the elements of nature. The selection of a construction site must minimize conflicts between humans and other animals occupying the ecosystem. Peaceful coexistence between humans and other wild animals is essential in the construction of sustainable dwelling since such help minimize any conflicts that may arise. Cases of insect bites in different parts of the world such as Australia typify the nature of the conflicts. In such cases, the humans spend millions of pounds in seeking medication for the different bites with the country reporting a high number of deaths arising from insect bites. The topography of the location is a major factor that architectures consider when designing a dwelling. Such factors as the stability of the structure rely on the nature of the topography of the land thereby validating the consideration. Effective utilization of space dictates that a dwelling must permit easy access to the housing units. The housing units must safeguard the safety features that arise from the placement of rooms among other aspects of the house thereby enhancing the accommodation of families of varying sizes. The manipulation of the space contributes to the sustainability of a dwelling beside contributing to the safety of the structure.  

Monday, August 12, 2019

Big Four Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Big Four - Essay Example They founded Central Pacific in 1861. They were also responsible for starting the American transcontinental line. Construction of the rail began in Sacramento, California, in 1863 which reached south to Arizona in 1877. The Central Pacific met the Union Pacific at Promontory, Utah, in May 1869. Stanford was born on March 9 1824, and he passed on June 21, 1893. He was an American mogul, industrialist, politician and forefather of Stanford University. He remade himself in gold rush era in California as a merchant. He left the Midwest to become a partner in a wholesale grocery industry created by his brothers. He was slow to speak, a deliberate thinker, and he was characterized by a steady nature that repeatedly provoked his railroad partners. Stanford headed east to lobby for the undertaking and gain biased support for his gubernatorial tender. Stanford appointed Theodore Judah and Doc Strong as nominating committee, and, perhaps swayed by his political gravity, they in turn named Stanford president. It was a insignificant to company mastermind Huntington, who had to settle for vice president and the beginning of bad blood that estranged him from Stanford and drove Judah away from the Central Pacific. Bad choices cost Stanford his governors office by the end of his first term- characteristic was his May decision to appoint business partner E. B. Crocker to the California Supreme Court.Political position had allowed him to funnel state money to the railroad; free from the responsibilities of office, Stanford turned his full attention to railroad duties. In 1868 he signed a million-dollar draft without their consultation, making the company captive to the Bank of California Collis P. Huntington was born in 1821 and passed on in the 1900. He went to California in1849 on news about gold. He had an uncanny intelligence for buying and selling. There he became a partner with Mark Hopkins in a successful wholesale-retail firm that specialized in miners’

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Business Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Research Methods - Essay Example Today, highly advanced technologies are available and that can be used for various purposes of an organization. Information technology, mainly use of computer and software-assisted tools can be used for research and various other organizational functions. In research, different types of software can be used to ensure greater accuracy and dependability of the data or information being collected and studied. Purposes of Organizational Research Business organizations require useful, valid and accurate data in order to run the business effectively. When data are made available in the form of raw and they are converted to more useful, analyzed, synthesized and evaluated form, known as information, they are more helpful to managers to make appropriate decisions (Sekaran, 2003, p. 42). Basically, the research is conducted for two different purposes, one is to find a solution to a current problem faced by managers in specific work setting and it requires timely solution. This is known as app lied research. The second is to generate a body of knowledge in order to solve certain problems that are likely to occur within the organization. it is known as basic research (Sekaran, 2003, p. 7). For a business organization, financial and various other functional data play vital roles in decision making and many other managerial functions. For example, sales figures, gross and net profit, sales returns, reasons for sales return, commission or interest received, percentage increase in interest and profit and many other financial data are of greater use to the business. Both financial and management accounting departments can make use of these information for various decision making and strategic thinking processes. As Ghauri and Gronhaug (2005, p. 5) noted, business organizations are attempting to develop strategic monitoring programs in order to help them identify and recognize competitors’ strengths, weaknesses and overall business strategies. Business firms can establish computer-based analysis so that they can provide better information-management system to help them develop effective strategies and thus to sustain business success. As it is clear with any case, none can take decisions on any important issue unless a more deep investigation about that specific issue can be conducted. This investigation is more likely to help analyze all these information to make a judgment about the right solution to the specific problem being identified. Business Research with presently available software Generally, in recent years computer has become an integral part of business and it plays extremely significant roles in research as well. In simple terms, computer software like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and any other spreadsheet or document software that are currently available are widely used for various research purposes. All these sorts of software are used for recording, listing, analyzing, interpreting, calculating, controlling, evaluating and synthe sizing different types of data. For instance, Microsoft Excel can be used for calculations and data presentation in a large numbers of different formats. Apart from these very basic software tools that are widely used for organizational research, following are some of other software that have recently gained significant importance in research. 1- Groupware- Groupware is a software, linked to networking to help research team work on

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mess at the stadium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mess at the stadium - Essay Example In this case, it can be noted that James and Christopher triggered the pandemonium that broke at the stadium when they blew their vuvuzelas after their team, the Riders had scored. Hundreds of supporters were killed and others injured while Christopher and James were among those who lost their lives. The grandmother, mother and father of the boys subsequently suffered from nervous shock (psychiatric injury). Against this background, this essay seeks to describe while giving reasons the approach that can be taken by a High Court judge towards claims of nervous shock by the affected people in view of the cases that are going to be analysed below. In view of this case of Dulieu v White [1901] 2 KB 669 which involved a pregnant barmaid who suffered severe shock after the defendant’s servant drove negligently into the public house, it can be noted that the High Court upheld her claim. The case involving the grandmother, mother and father of the boys may as well be upheld in as far as claims for nervous shock are concerned. In this case, the defendants are the police officers who had a duty to safeguard the interests of the soccer fans who were packed in the stadium. The subsequent pandemonium that killed hundreds of people while injuring others was not a result of their negligent behaviour. In actual fact, the horses were frightened by the noise of vuvuzelas that were blown by James and Christopher. It can be noted that these two boys are the ones who triggered the situation that resulted in loss of life of innocent people including themselves. Indeed, the defendant has a duty not to frighten the plaintiff by his negligence whereby it can be noted that the blame does not lie in the police but in the boys’ action that frightened the horses. If it was not because of their action, this disaster could not have happened. It the case of Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992] 1 AC 310 concerned a FA Cup semi-final match at Hillsborough Stad ium, between Nottingham Forest and Liverpool in April 1989, at which 96 people were killed and over 400 physically injured in a crush caused by negligent crowd control by the police. To a certain extent, it can be said that the conduct by the police in controlling the crowd in the case involving James and Christopher was negligent given that there is wild cheering when another team scores especially with regards to big matches and the police should always be watchful for such incidences. In the first place, they allowed the boys to get into the stadium with vuvuzelas which meant that they could be blown. The failure to control their horses amounts to negligent behaviour since people watching matches are over excited at times. Thus, only parents and spouses might claim for nervous shock and the claimants in this case can show a â€Å"sufficiently proximate† relationship to the person killed or injured as can be noted from their closeness with the deceased. McFarlane v EE Caled onia Ltd [1994] 2 All ER 1 involves a plaintiff who has witnessed colleagues dying in agony following an oil rig explosion. However, the court of appeal applied the rule by the House of Lords in Alcock where the claim failed because the claimant was not a rescuer. In the same vein, the claims involving the mother and the grandmother may fail to materialise given that they just watched the situation unfolding on television and they are not part of the rescue team. Somebody who physically experiences the action directly stands better chances of winning the claim since he will be part of the horrific events than someone merely watching from a distance. The mother and the grandmother are not even closer to the scene since they are just watching the events on television while at home. As far as the above case is concerned, the claim by these two may not materialise since they are not directly involved especially in rescuing the affected people who have been injured in the stampede that e nsued after the police horses have been frightened by the noise of the vuvuzelas and ran amok causing